
Helping Golfers 

Your Golf Swing

Basic Steps to Improving Your Golf Swing

Basic Steps to Improving Your Golf Swing Basic Steps to Improving Your Golf Swing Do you want to improve your golf swing? Do you want to play better? Here are some basic tips you can start working on today that can help improve your golf swing. golf swing, golf The game of golf is truly an individual sport. The basics are the same for everyone; however, due to the differences in peopleís body types no two people will ever have the same golf swing. Each person will have to adapt their bodies to perform a proper golf swing in their

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Golf Grip

How Important is the Golf Grip?

How Important is the Golf Grip?  correcting Your Golf Grip To Improve Your Game   How Important is the Golf Grip?  Golfing magazines are full of tips and instruction and basic do this but donít do that theories. How is it possible for a new golfer to really understand what aspects of the game are important and which ones are just someoneís overgrown opinion? Simple trial and error can significantly help you deduce which golfing magazines, whether they are online or offline, are actually offering useful advice. ìCorrecting Your Golf Grip To Improve Your …   How Important is the Golf Grip? Golfing magazines

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Learning More About Golf Equipment

Golf Equipment There are two types of wedges to use when golfing: the pitching wedge, the sand wedge, and the pitching wedge. A pitching wedge is a Golf Equipment  While your golf club set may come with other wedges, these are the most important and widely used when golfing. To identify a wedge, all you have to do is look at the size of the club in general. Wedges are smaller than other clubs so the golfer can get closer to the ball to make a short shot. Wedges are not meant for long distances, but rather for height and short

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Create A Good Rhythm In Your Golf Swing

Create A Good Rhythm In Your Golf Swing Rhythm and tempo can be considered together, because in golf they mean very nearly the same thing. The rhythm in the swing of a good player is noticed because of the measured cadence in the upward and downward movement of the club. In his swing there appears to be and there is a definite relationship in time between his backswing and his downswing. It is measured in two parts, from the time the club leaves the ball until it stops at the top of the backswing, and from the time it starts

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Make A Style Statement With Your Golf Cart

Make A Style Statement With Your Golf Cart A golf cart is as precious to a serious golfer as a car or a cell phone or any other gadget is to other men. Initially, when people buy a golf cart, it’s usually pretty basic, without too many frills and features. However, they keep upgrading it and adding customizations and individualizing it so that it becomes more a personal style statement than a mere golf accessory. People fortunate enough to own their personal golf cart usually begin by upgrading the seats. Not only can you make the seats plush and comfortable

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Golfing Equipment You Need To Get Started

Golfing Equipment You Need To Get Started Are you interested in perfecting your swing? Do you know what a handicap means in Golf? If your answer to both these questions is an emphatic yes, it is time you got yourself some good quality golf equipment. Every golf enthusiast wants to shop for the best golf equipment he can buy. After all, top quality golf equipment means that you will also have a great game on your hand, and will enjoy your game more. One of the most important aspects of gearing up for golf is however, to buy the best

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Helping Golfers  to play better golf
